Beyond the plug: finding value in the emerging electric vehicle charging ecosystem – EY Report

5 years ago

Beyond the plug: finding value in the emerging electric vehicle charging ecosystem – EY Report

The charging infrastructure necessary to stimulate widespread adoption of increasingly available EVs in the marketplace remains to be built. As the mainstream OEMs begin to roll out EVs, the role of charging infrastructure evolves from being an awareness tool to becoming a commercially viable business venture. The billion dollar question today is: How can companies package a commercially viable proposition and differentiate themselves in a non-existent, yet crowded marketplace? Worldwide, we have identifi ed 143 companies that have staked a claim to the emerging EV charging infrastructure, but despite all their ingenuity and activity, the shape of the value chain is still unclear. To try to decipher this chain, we closely analyzed these companies and chose 18 distinct business activities that were grouped to develop fi ve potential business strategy variants. These business strategies are at different levels of complexity within the value chain and consequently, bring different risks and rewards to the participants.

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