Would a Car company help you buy a toaster? A Freezer? or an AC? I had never heard of it until now.
But as a sign of just how much an electric vehicle can save your pockets, you would feel like getting most of these items and much more for free.
Yes, you read it right.
This is not any promotional scheme to sell a two wheeler scooter with a toaster and definitely not another click bate for you to jump to some company’s website. These are actually what our Industry Experts are discussing behind the board room curtains! For you to understand first, below is a list of the most trending discussion topics whispered in every electric vehicle summit happening around.
Let’s give you a glimpse of what these topics actually means and what’s in it for customers like us.
“Taxi companies and drivers can actually save a lot once they shift to electric cars”
“Your decision of buying an electric car can completely pay for your Diwali and New Year celebrations, Every year”
“The more it gets cold, the more you save – this is what you experience as an Electric Vehicle owner”
Which triggers this modest proposal: why should any automobile company give away a 2-wheeler or a 4-wheeler electric vehicle for free?
In a recent study done by 2D Institute on various electric vehicle models in Canada, it was concluded by Prof. James Pawley, University of Wisconsin-Madison: “We knew that EVs were less expensive to operate, but after running the numbers, we were completely surprised by how substantial the savings were.”
Granted, a car is more expensive than a cellphone, and even your monthly GMail pack, however the facts around saving fundamentals of commodities like an Electic Vehicle such as Electric Car, Electric Scooter or an Electric rickshaw is all about saving the costs of gasoline(petrol, diesel, CNG)Â that burns at an average rate of 2.46 Rs. per KM while Electric Vehicle runs at 10 Paisa per KM on the same conditions.
Now you know the reason behind these types of discussions happening in the Industry and finally, the stepping stone for sales prepositions to the interested population for these expensive electric vehicles is catching pace much quicker than expected.
The reason is a very simple one, more electric vehicles bought by customers is making the car costs go down, especially as carmakers produce more and more of electric vehicles that are efficient enough to resist the harsh Indian roads and lack of proper infrastructure. And utility companies can simply pass along a lower wholesale cost that they would presumably pay a car maker, which would be much lower than the retail price a consumer might otherwise pay.
Now, If you are seeing the electric vehicle as just another automobile running on electricity, then you would miss out the whole point of Green mobility as the best fit for this new generation of Internet Mobility Vehicles with a completely new financial model composing of various elements that you would take home, work and someplace in your city.
Have a look: Automobiles, communication devices, and information technology are merging, as cars increasingly carry sensors and electronics that not only map out routes with nearly ubiquitous GPS devices, but that also monitor engine performance, find nearby garages and service stations, send maintenance alerts, locate hotels and restaurants, and even drive the vehicle. This will start a new model of utility financing. The day is coming when a mobile phone or internet company will acquire or merge with an automaker and/or a utility. I keep watching for some combination, and for Google to make a move like this. As the industries come together, carmakers will acquire the knowledge – and the stomach – to offer innovative service models that will ensure equal interests of sellers and buyers and Financial innovation will work hand-in-glove with technological innovations to reduce the costs of Electric mobility as well as CO2 emissions.
The conclusion of the above references is very simple :
Electric Vehicles have the lowest cost of ownership and this the maths behind the savings after owning an EV. The more people will buy Electric cars and bikes, the more will be the drop in the cost of its development. And who knows one day, you might get your perfect Electric 2-wheeler at the exact cost of what you pay for your monthly petrol price.
This is just the start of exploring the benefits and loss statements by experts and manufacturers, and you should keep your eyes and ears open to every report getting out of this market. There is a much more chance there is some brilliant team of engineers and believers building your dream of owning an Electric Vehicle in your city.
Want to know about the future of EV’s:
Check this case study on Electric Vehicles ecosystem: