An initiative program of Government of Karnataka in collaboration with DIYguru & ASDC

Launching job assisted electric vehicle technical training solutions


Government of Karnataka (GoK) supported by Tata Technologies (TTL), ASDC and DIYguru and 20 Industry Partners has launched a program to transform 150 Government owned Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) into “Technology Hubs”. This program is first of its kind initiative in India and primarily aims to create skilled workforce across Karnataka to address the state’s Industry 4.0 manpower needs. The program gradually aims to create 20,000 highly skilled individuals per annum on long term courses and train 1,00,000 professionals per annum on various short-term courses. The students are expected to have increased employment and entrepreneurial opportunities through training in industry centric advanced technologies. The availability of such skilled manpower across various technology areas is likely to benefit the industrial ecosystem of Karnataka.

The total cost of the program is approximately Rs. 4,636 crores out of which Government of Karnataka’s contribution is Rs. 657 crores and TTL along with Industry Partners contribution is Rs. 4080 crores. GoK is spending an additional Rs. 220 crores for civil infrastructure upgradation of all ITIs.

About DIYguru

DIYguru is an online maker’s learning platform in Future Mobility & Transportation with the aim of helping individuals develop their professional potential in the most interactive and simulated learning environment. Online education is a fundamental disruption that will have a far-reaching impact in the ongoing industry 4.0 revolution for automation, designing, analysis and product development. At DIYguru, we are are on a mission to upskill a million people by 2025. We are taking a blended learning approach of leveraging content, technology, marketing, and services to offer quality education at scale in partnership with corporates & academics through a rigorous & industry-relevant program.


Based on our market research and conversation with the industry, we have identified Electric Vehicle as one of the Future Mobility sectors with critical supply demand imbalance. Our vision is to design and deliver a quality Program in Electric Vehicle Engineering to drive the growth of the sector and make India a global hub for Electric Vehicle Engineers.

If you are reading this, you may wish to accelerate your career in Electric Vehicle Technology and explore Business Opportunities in E-Mobility. With DIYguru, we promise to equip you with the perfect mix of business acumen and technical capabilities to help you achieve exactly the same.

DIYguru & Karnataka Govt. invites ITI colleges of Karnataka for job assisted training programs

Electric vehicle and automotive technical training course(3 Months)

The technical training programs are accompanied by a 6-week internship program and job assistance, where the mentor from DIYguru shall closely work with the participants and will realize a live industrial-oriented internship project (course specific), with equal focus on communication and presentational skills.

Moreover, a certification examination is offered with each short course, such that the evaluation of the student’s performance can be performed, during the course duration itself.


These courses are

  1. Electric vehicle technical training program
  2. Innovation & Design Thinking
  3. Product Design
  4. Auto Electrical Design & Development
  5. Auto Electrical Maintenance
  6. Advanced Automobile Engineering
  7. Automobile Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul
  8. Automobile Engineering

DIYguru shall conduct short term training (for a duration of 3-4 months) in approximately 80% of the proposed ITIs locations. Each of the offered short training courses shall be accompanied with industrial oriented live project based Internship program (for an approximated duration of 6 weeks). This shall enable each student to gain practical exposure with every short course. 

Moreover, each offered short course shall provide 2 week extensive placement sessions, where every enrolled student will receive career counseling sessions, targeting the domain of Cv writing, job/internship application, interview preparation and technical communication. This will allow each student to gain technical knowledge (through offered lectures), practical exposure (with offered internship) and career counseling.

Step wise training approach

Step 1: 

Once the student completes the offered on-site training lectures, the team DIYguru Support shall connect with the student to provide the next possible date of the ‘live course certification examination!’.

This examination will enable the student to understand his/her current expertise and will allow us to define the best possible project for the students! Students will get a minimum of 4 weeks for the examination preparation.

Step 2:

Once the student clear the examination, the DIYguru technical mentors will contact the student to enroll him/her in the ‘live project’. Since students will work on a live project, students will get enough time to prepare themselves before the internship project begins.

With this, DIYguru shall appoint ‘working team’ with the group of 4-5 enrolled students, and a personalized mentor will be assigned to each project team!

Step 3:

Since it is an ‘internship’ based project, the students will be encouraged to work through the assigned project in teams and will be allowed to achieve the results on their own, with mentorship support from DIYguru! Allowing the student to gain the actual skills as an ‘intern’! Enrolled students will get a minimum of 6 weeks to work and submit their project reports.

Moreover, at the end of the internship, each student shall submit a project report with all the results achieved, for evaluation by the DIYguru technical team.

Once the DIYguru technical team evaluates the submitted project report, every successful candidate shall also submit a pitch presentation video, explaining his/her project-oriented achievements and results, so that the participants can work on their communication and presentational skills simultaneously.

With this, students shall receive the ‘Project-based internship’ certificate (along with evaluation score), and an ‘achievement badge’ to validate that the student has successfully cleared the ‘certification examination’ (shareable on LinkedIn and other platforms).

Step 4:

Finally, the students shall receive a 2 week career counseling session, by the industrial experts and students will get the advantage of applying to 500+ jobs at the ‘DIYguru job portal’.

WHAT DO WE COVER? Practically everything in EV Technical!

Month 1

  1. Conventional Automobile systems (ICE)
  2. Layouts (Front Engine, Mid-Engine, Rear Engine)
  3. Power flow , Chassis ,  Lighting, Wiring Harness, Switches, Connectors, Wheels.
  4. Introduction to Electric Vehicles
  5. EV Systems and Power flow in Electric Vehicles
  6. Battery system for electric vehicles
  7. Motors and Controllers systems
  8. Handling, Safety and Storage of Li-Ion Battery
  9. Battery Management Systems
  10. Walkthrough different Electric 2 wheelers
  11. Cell technology in EV systems
  12. Cell matching ,Cell alignment and containment in volume
  13. Electric Motors
  14. Motor Controller interfacing and assembly
  15. Charging Systems
  16. Converter system
  17. Electrical Systems and Wiring Systems
  18. Alternative Sources for Powering the vehicle

Month 2

  1. Sustainable transportation in India
  2. “Government Policies (FAME-I,II)”
  3. New Fuel economy requirements (BS-6)
  4. Compare ICE-EV viz a viz
  5. Setting up Electric Vehicle Retrofitting Business
  6. Homologation of Electric Vehicle (Testing & Infrastructure)
  7. Setting up charging station infrastructure
    City Electric Bus Fleet on Opex Model
  8. “Multi-Modal Electric transportation solution in cities (auto, taxi, bus, metro)”
  9. Electric Shared Fleet (Ola & Uber)
  10. “Multi-Modal Electric transportation solution in cities (auto, taxi, bus, metro)”
  11. Electric Shared Fleet (Ola & Uber)
  12. “Electric Fleet for delivery, E-Commerce services.”
  13. Electric retro-fitment solutions for the in-use vehicles.
  14. Setting up of multi-brand EV chains showrooms.
  15. Applying for NIDHI Prayas loan to start your business
  16. Employment oriented Sessions

Month 3

  1. Assembly & de assembly of IC engine
  2. Fault analysis of IC engine
  3. EV IC retrofitting
  4. Maintenance & Repair of Evs for EV Dealers”
  5. Homologation of Electric Vehicle (Testing & Infrastructure)
  6. Swappable Battery vs Fixed Battery (Separate Vehicle & Energy Business)
  7. Electric retro-fitment solutions for the in-use vehicles.
  8. Battery pack modeling (Practically
  9. Demonstration of how to do battery packing)
  10. “Repair,
    Maintenance & Troubleshooting in Electric Vehicle”
  11. Repair & troubleshooting of chargers and controllers
  12. Job prep sessions

Govt. of Karnataka & DIYguru invites applications from Karnataka ITI/diploma colleges

For personalized introductory demo session from DIYguru

Last date of application: 31st December 2022