What is Model Concession Agreement?

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In India, public-private partnership (PPP) projects are based on model concession agreement, a legal contract.
It specifies the conditions under which a road project can be carried out until a private company is established.
It describes the legal and policy framework for putting a PPP project into action.
The mitigation and unbundling of risks, the allocation of risks and returns, the symmetry of obligations between the principal parties, and the precision and predictability of costs and obligations are just a few of the issues that MCA addresses in relation to a PPP framework.
The model can be used in a variety of fields, including ports, urban rail transit, state highways, and national highways.


About Public Private Partnership:

Model Concession Agreement for Public-private partnership

A government agency and a private company work together in a public-private partnership to finance and manage projects like parks, convention centers, and public transportation networks.
It frequently entails tax breaks, liability protection, and partial ownership rights over nominally public services and property to private, for-profit organizations.

What is meant by model concession agreement?

A concession agreement is a contract that gives a company the right to operate a specific business within a government’s jurisdiction or on another firm’s property, subject to particular terms.

Model Concession Agreement for Build Operate Transfer (Toll) Projects.

What is a concession model?

In a concession model, the brand hires and pays for the staff and operations for their section of the store.

What is model concession agreement for ports Upsc?

Model Concession Agreement is the core of public private partnership projects in India. It sets regulatory framework to implement PPP (Public Private Projects) in India. There are MCAs for national highways, urban rail transit systems, state highways and ports.

What are the different types of concession agreements?

There are different types of concession contracts, including: ex-leasing, franchise, build- operate-transfer (BOT) etc. Private finance initiatives (PFIs) may also be considered similar to concessions.

What is the importance of model concession agreement?

MCA is a legal contract that forms the basis of public private partnership (PPP) projects in India. It lays down the terms and conditions for executing a road project till a private firm operates. It states the policy and regulatory framework for implementation of a PPP project.

What are the conditions for concession agreement?

The conditions in a concession agreement can include payment of fees, percentage of revenue made or being liable for the cost of maintaining the facility.

What is the difference between concession agreement and lease?

First, a concession agreement gives limited rights to use the property for any specified use, whereas a lease agreement creates an interest in the property to the lessor. Second, a concession agreement doesn’t create any inherent property rights, whereas a lease creates interest on the owner’s property.

What is the difference between concession and PPP?

A concession is an agreement where a private company operates and maintains an existing public asset, while a PPP is a partnership model where both the public and private sectors share risks and responsibilities for developing and operating a new public asset.

What are the basic principles of concession?

The process of publishing and determining the awarding of concessions must follow the fundamental principles of equal treatment, transparency, and mutual recognition.


Ensure the necessary investments in the public sector and efficient management of public resources.
improve the quality and promptness of public service delivery.
The opportunity to receive a long-term payment is made available to a private organization.
The implementation of PPP projects makes use of the expertise and experience of the private sector.
Risk allocation for PPP projects makes it possible to cut costs associated with risk management.

It’s possible that the infrastructure or services that are provided will cost more. The service procurement process is longer and more expensive than traditional public procurement.
Due to the inability to anticipate events that could influence the subsequent activity, the project agreements are rigid and of a long duration.

What are the disadvantages of concession?

Cons: Highly complex to implement and administer. May have underlying fiscal costs to the government. Negotiation between parties and finally making a project deal may require long time.


  1. https://www.investopedia.com
  2. https://blog.ipleaders.in



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