Numerous arithmetic operators for both floating-point and integer numbers are available in the Java programming language. + (addition), – (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), and % (modulo) are these operators. The Java programming language’s binary arithmetic operations are listed in the table below.
Binary Arithmetic Operators
Techopedia Explains Arithmetic Operator
For centuries, mathematical formulas and numerical calculations have relied on arithmetic operators. They serve as the foundation upon which calculated numbers or products can be evaluated. Their utilization is straight; Multiplication and division are performed first, followed by addition and subtraction, in the order that each operator is used.
When used in computing, arithmetic symbols like the percent can mean different things depending on the language in question. The majority of calculations that make use of values like these are carried out by arithmetic operators. Even though they are called “arithmetic operators,” these operators have the same function no matter where they are used. They are used in algebra and many other mathematical concepts.
An action is carried out by an operator on one or more operands. The most common operators in math are:
age + 1
One operator—addition—and two operands make up this expression. The first is addressed by a variable named age and the second is an exacting consistent. The expression would be equivalent to 15 if age had a value of 14.
Except for division and modulus, these operators operate as you have learned them throughout your life. Typically, we envision the outcome of division as a fractional part of the answer (a floating-point data type). However, division may behave differently when both operands are integer data types. Please refer to the “Integer Division and Modulus” section that follows.
Arithmetic Assignment Operators
The assignment (=) and arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %) are supported by many programming languages. They are referred to as “combined assignment operators” or “compound assignment operators” in a number of textbooks. The assignment operator and the arithmetic operators can be used to explain their application. The age variable will be used in the table, and you can assume that it is an integer.